Learning Support for Learning Differences.

Learning Disability Tutoring, Classes, & Educational Therapy

Services Offered Online, In-Person, & Hybrid

Why Blume Educational Services?

Multisensory Approach

Annika is trained in multisensory instruction, offering all subjects and skills to be presented in a manner that students can access and retain overtime.

Support when its needed.

Annika offers the learning support thats needed, for as long as it is needed. As soon as a student is demonstrating success, she wants them to persevere and be independent.

Personalized sessions

Whether in 1:1 sessions, small group or classes, students needs and interests are taken into account. Annika is focused on developing a relationship built on trust and a child’s need for autonomy in their own education.

“Education is about freedom and curiosity. When we have the right tools and support, we can follow our curiosity anywhere and succeed.”

Annika Blumenthal
Founder & CEO, Blume Educational Services

Learning takes place where curiosity begins.

1:1 Sessions, small group, classes & learning pods can be done in-person, hybrid, or online. Reducing anxiety and increasing comfort makes learners more relaxed and better able to take in new information. Annika is focused on comfort and connection before performance and assessment.


Services are individualized and flexible to best meet student need.


Individual sessions & small group sessions. Personalized tutoring in Reading, Writing, and Science for grades 3-9 and Math grades 3-7. Small group also includes study skills and social skills.

  • Individual needs addressed
  • Subject specific
  • Multi-sensory approach

Educational Therapy

1:1 Sessions focus on all academic skills as well as goal development and self-esteem building to serve the individual in all facets of their life. This “whole child” approach allows for individualized support in executive functions skills, core subjects and life skills outside of school.

A special education teacher scheduled regularly and on call to support in all facets of the student and family’s needs.

  • Personalized, multi-sensory approach
  • Covers all needs, not subject specific
  • Build confidence and self-empowerment